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PopCare - Pop Tabs

PopCare features a number of oral health products to keep your pearly whites, well, pearly white! with out hurting the environment

Mouthwash tabs
Mouth wash tablets in plastic free packaging.
Don't we all have the feeling sometimes that we just need a fresh hit to be ready for the day? By doing so it's important that the mouth wash/mouth rinse has proven anti-bacterial, anti-cavity, and anti-plaque benefits. This mouthwash features Zinc, CPC, and Erythritol to deliver a boost to oral health and fresh breath.
The mouthwash is great value for money. Being around the same monthly cost as equivalent bottles in the supermarket but minus the plastic.

Why Mouth wash tabs?
Plastic Free
Freshens Breath
Stops bad bacteria
Prevents plaque
Handy for traveling
Contains Erythritol (to deliver a boost to oral health and fresh breath)
Store in jar or tin
Palm oil free
Made in New Zealand

Tooth Tabs - Dental Tablets
The PopTabs are toothpaste tablets that are a great plastic free toothpaste alternative. They do contain fluoride. The PopTabs (Toothpaste tablets) are less abrasive then normal toothpaste. The toothpaste tablets will polish the surfaces of your teeth making them feel nice and smooth.

Why PopTabs - dental tablets?
Plastic Free
Tubless toothpaste
Strengthens teeth
Kills bad bacteria
Removes Plaque
Handy for traveling
Contains Erythritol (improves oral health significantly by starving bad bacteria)
The tablets re-mineralize the teeth while minimally abrasive (which can potentially help sensitive teeth if your sensitivity is due to abrasivity)
Contains 1500ppm of fluoride, as per Ministry of Health guidelines
No messy toothpaste tubes
Store them in any container you like
Palm oil free
Made in New Zealand

Pop Brush
Round handles, classic lines - sounds like PopGuy before he got into shape. Grab yourself a bamboo handled toothbrush here, and brush in style.
* Bristles are Nylon
* Remove bristles with pliers and compost the handle.


Price Range 

PopTabs (toothpaste) 2 month supply 125 tabs + tin $12 each
PopWash (mouthwash) 2 months supply 125 tabs + tin $12 each
Trail Pack (28 Tabs + 28 Wash) $6 each
PopBrush - Bamboo Toothbrush $4.50 each
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