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Planet vs Plastics

Envirohub Marlborough's Earth Day Picnic in the Park is our annual Flagship event, bringing our Marlborough community together to celebrate our beautiful Earth and share ways in which we can better protect it!

Proudly a part of the movement!

"For Earth Day 2024 on April 22nd, EARTHDAY.ORG is unwavering in our commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040."

A full family day of earth friendly fun awaits at Pollard Park in Blenheim, to mark international Earth Day, organised by Envirohub Marlborough.

This annual zero-waste community picnic, which includes local musicians, awesome giveaways, environmental activities, tips about how to be environmentally sustainable at home and information about Marlborough’s fantastic environmental projects is a must on the Marlborough Events Calendar.

Bring your own picnic, a blanket to sit on and enjoy Earth Day sustainably. Entry is free!

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Enviro Groups

Want to be a part of our amazing line up? We are seeking interested local environmental groups and organisations to come and join us and add their expertise and knowledge into the mix.

Use this space to showcase your organisation and/or run a talk or workshop as a part of our offerings to the public.

Currently we have kids events, pest control, native species, activities, games and so much more!

Want to know more or sign up? Download and complete the form on the button link below and email to:

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We are seeking enthusiastic stallholders and vendors that share our environmental ethics to be a part of the picnic in the park Earth Day celebrations!

This event will be 100% zero waste, so we ask you follow our zero waste policies- but don't stress! We are here to support you all the way. Our zero waste dishwashing trailer will be onsight, as will our team to provide what you need to go zero waste on the day!

Want to join us? Download and complete the form on the button link below  email to:


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We are seeking partnerships to help us grow Earth Day Picnic in the Park! More information below.

We believe our event supports the sustainable prosperity of the places where you live and work.We are seeking funding to help us deliver our message through a fun free event, while allocating our current funds to ongoing conservation work. Funding sourced will go a long way in supporting us to implement our 2024 goals of providing a wider range of workshops, engaging a larger number of the Marlborough community and promoting Earth Day across Marlborough and the Top of the South. 


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Keen to volunteer some time to help us out on this awesome community day out?

We'd love to hear from you!
Email: and pop your hand up.

We need help in the following areas:


  • Zero Waste Dishwashing Trailer

  • Set up & Pack Down

  • Conservation Kids NZ Tent

  • Envirohub Marlborough tent and/or market stall

Let us know where you'd be keen to help and see you there!

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This event is going to be entirely zero waste - and will be supported by our brand new Zero Waste Dishwashing Trailer and service.

We will be supplying food vendors and the public with dishes, bowls, cutlery, cups (you name it!) that can be picked up by the public at stations and taken to the vendors, or if preferred, we can supply the vendors with a supply as well.

We encourage the public to bring their own picnic set and/or their own cups/plates etc to eat with so we produce NO waste during the course of the event.

The system is simple and we will have our team of staff and volunteers on the day to help you out.

People grab what they need (clean and sterilised!), they take this to the vendor of their choice, the dirty dish is then placed at a collection station (signed and placed around the grounds and/or taken directly to the trailer) where we hygienically clean and sterilise everything for reuse again, and again, and again... and again!

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